
Ragam: Charukesi Thalam: Roopakam

Arohana :S R2 S M1 G3 P M2 D2 P N3 D2 S
Avarohana: S N3 D2 P M2 P M1 G3 R2 S

karunAnidhAn kunj ke bihArI tumhArI bansI lAlA mErI manOhari  (karunAnidhAn)
is bansI kE sur nr muni mOhE mOh gayI sArI braj kE nArI            (karunAnidhAn)
jab syAmasundar kE tan dEkhI janam janam kE mei sankat hArI  (karunAnidhAn)
mOr mukut pItambar sOhE kundal kI vhabi mai balihArI                (karunAnidhAn)
dasamaskandh bhAgavat gAvE nakhapar gOvarddhan giridhari  (karunAnidhAn)
padmanAbh prabhu phanipar sAyI danju kul haran nAth murArI  (karunAnidhAn)


Oh the repository of compassion, who resides in an arbor on the banks of the river  Yamuna.  The melody of your flute captivates my mind.  This melody has held the celestials, the people, sages and the women of Vraja under its spell.
I am fascinated by your effulgent form adorned with feathers of peacock, ear pendants and yellow silk.
Your glory is being sung in the Dasamaskandha of Bhagavatam.  You lifted the Govardhana mountain with the tip of your little finger.  You are Lord Padmanbha reclining on the serpent couch.  You are Murari who destroyed a host of demons.