DevakIsuta pahimam
Ragam: Madhyamavathi | Thalam: Adi |
Arohanam:S R2 M1 P N2 S
Avarohanam: S N2 P M1 R2 S
dEvakIsuta pAhimAm harE mukunda dEvakIsuta pAhimAm
tAvaka padayuga sEvakamanu dinam dEvadEva karuNA paripAlita jagatritaya patatri parivrUDhAradhara
caranam 1
amitrakula timira mitra padayuga natatrida shapaya vinOcana namatridivapati bhavatraTana paTu
paritra sarasija vilOcana tvamatra gatirapi paratra bhava mama pavitra guNagaNa nikEtana citra
bhAnunibha cElAgatika mitra tOSita kucEla vrtta vairi sahaja trinEtranuta vicitratara valitraya lasadudara
caranam 2
kSurapra vinihata murapra mukhasura ripupra kara guru krpAkara hara pramukha sura vara praNata
pada vara prada vimala ramAvara tara pratima shubha gaLapra vilasita maNipravara jita divAkara apramEya
guNa dhArAda rakasupradIka dhara dhIra citprakAsha mahita prabhAva bhuja balaprasabha hrtapradi bhaTamahiLa
caranam 3
akhaNDatara vrSam rukaNDu sudha bhrgu vibhaNDaka tanaya mukhArcita shikhNDi varanava shikhaNDa lali-tasha shikhaNDa rucira niTilAjita sukgaNDatala vilasa daNDaja maNimaya kuNDalayugaLa virAjita khaNDitAnjana
samAbha sharajatuNDa vAriruhanAbha kuNdalIsha mada khaNDanEsha vimadaSaNDa jaladacaNDa tara mAruta
Hare! Mukunda! Oh son of Devaki! Kindly protect me.
I sever at your feet every day. Oh, supreme suzerain! You protect three worlds out of compassion. You have Garuda as your mount.
You are to the host of enemies what sun is to darkness. You allay the fears of the celestials, who worship your feet. Oh, one with the eyes resembling lotus! You have the glory of being venerated by Indra. You have the glory of giving salvation from existence. Oh, the repository of noble virtues! Now I have no other refuge but you! Your raiment shines like the sun. You were benevolent to your helpless friend Kucela. You are the brother of Indra. You are extolled by Siva. You are born to the most beautiful Devaki.
Oh, preceptor! Do bless me! You annihilated the whole clan of demons like Mura and others, who were the enemies of celestials. Your feet are revered by Indra and others. Oh, the consort of Rama! YOu are the most benevolent Lord; immaculate one! The brilliance of the gem Kaustubha adorning your conch-like neck outshines that of the Sun. You are the personification of an infinite stream of virtues. Oh, brave one! You are benevolent like a dark cloud. Oh, Powerful lord! You were taken away forcefully from the lady-Devaki.
You are worshiped by Markadeya, Parasurama, and Rshyasrnga. Your tresses are adorned with a peacock feather. Your forehead shines like a crescent moon. Your beautiful cheeks are reflecting the jeweled ear pendant. You are dark like the autumnal clouds. You are darker than collyrium. You subdued the pride of Kaliya the king of serpents, like the whirlwind