Devi Pavane

Ragam: Saveri Thalam: Adi

Arohanam:S R1 M1 P D1 S
Avarohanam: S N3 D1 P M1 G3 R1 S

dEvi pAvanE sEvE caraNa tE budhAvanE

bhAvuka dAyi kaTAkSa vilAsini bhArati dEhi sadA kushalam bhuvanEshvari

caranam 1
sOma bimba madahara sumukhi bhaktajanAkhila kAmita dAna niratE kAnta kunda danti
bhImAnandA-jnAna timira bhEdana mihirAyitE mAmaka hrdi vihara mAnya guNAvAsE
sAmaja pungava cArugatE sura sAdhyanutE vimalE varadE bhuvanEshvari

caranam 2
vArida nibha cikurE vAsavOpala nayanE mAra sharAsana ruci cOra cillikAntE
sArasa krta nilayE jAmbU nata maya bhUSE nAradAdi muninuta nAma samudAyE
bhUri manOjnyakarAncita vINA pustaka bhAsini cAruhasE bhuvanEshvari

caranam 3
pAtita titisutE shrI padmanAbha vilAsini vIta pApajana gEya vibhavE vidyArUpE
cAtakO jaladamiva sAdaramAshrayAmi tvAm pRitim mayi kuru lOka mAtarayi nityam
nUtamalam kuru mAm sadayE paripOSita sUriguNE shubhadE bhuvanEshvari


Oh Devi the holy one! I am at the service of your feet, oh one who protects the wise!
Oh Bharatidevi! You always grant the worldly desires with your compassionate visage. Goddess of universe! Give me comfort.
Oh Bhuvaneswari!  Your charming face excels the moon.  You are committed in granting all the desires of the devotees, one who shines with crystals and gem studded ornaments.  Your teeth glitter like the jasmine bud; one who is the sun n sweeping away the colossal ignorance of darkness.  You have the gait of the king-elephant; you are esteemed by the celestials and you are flawless.  Oh the bestower of boons! Goddess of Universe!
Your tresses are like rain laden clouds and eyes have the hue of saphire.  Your eye-brows steal the beauty of the bow of the Cupid and you dwell in the lotus.  You are adorned in golden ornaments; Narada and other sages worship your infinite names.  You shine with sweet smiles holding Veena and Pustaka-book in your hand.
Oh Goddess of Universe! You destroyed the sons of Diti-the demons;  You are the favorite of Sri Padmanabha.  You have the flory of being celebrated by noble ones devoid of sins and you are the embodiment of knowledge.  Like the bird Cataka depends on the rainy clouds, I seek refuge in you; please favor me by removing my sins.  Oh The Mother of the Universe!  Please bestow your boons on me.  You are surrounded by joyous savants and kindly bestow auspiciousness on me. Oh Goddess of Universe!