Pahimam Brhannayike
Ragam: Huseni | Thalam: Roopakam |
Arohanam:S P M1 P N2 D2 N2 S
Avarohanam: S N2 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S
pAhimAm brhannAyike! lOkanAyikE!
pAvanavaradAyike! lOkanAyike! (pAhimmAm)
bAhulEyajani! paradEvatE!
pArvati! srI gOkarnEsvardayitE!
vAhinIpati kanyAvAnIvanditacritE!
tAritakuku jhamtari taka jham jham tarikitataka
takanamtari tarikumtari takadhInuta kitatOm
papApa sasAsa nidhanisa garIsAni sarinidhapama
tAhata jhamtari kitatka takadhimi tOm taka dittalANgu taka tadhiNkinatOm (pAhimAm)
Oh brhannayaki! Please protect me. The goddess of the universe! The bestower of boons!
Oh, The mother of load Subrahmanya! Supreme Goddess! Oh, Parvati! Consort of Sri Gokarnesvara! You have the glory of being worshipped by Lakshmi, Saraswathi, and Vijayaraghunatha of Vasavakula.
One who is adorned by the king of serpents, consort of Siva the friend of Kubera; the protector of the celestials, the embodiment of victory; the Goddess of the Universe! Gauri! Uma! Kaumari! Bhairavi! Parasakthi! Kamalanayani! The bestower of auspicious boons to Narada, Tumbura, Suka, and others who worship at your feet; the essence of scriptures and the remover of impurities.
Oh, Bale! Saravani! Jagajjani! One who is always surrounded by devotees and the one who resides in the Vakulavana.
One who dwells in the golden mountain. Katayani! sulalite - the most graceful one.
One who is worshiped by Brahma! and Vishnu; one whose face outshines the moon.
The feet that outshine the radiance of the lotus; nails that equal the grace of the crescent moon. Gait that surpasses that of the elephant.
Sri Rajarajeswari! Narayani! Sri Ramasodari (the sister of Sri Rama). The bestower of desired boons; the daughter of the king of mountains; one who is armed with a spear; one whose hair resembles the serpents; palms like lotus; hips that are broad and voice sweet as a parrot.