Paripahi mam nrhare
Ragam: Mohanam | Thalam: Misra Chapu |
Arohanam:S R2 G3 P D2 S
Avarohanam: S D2 P G3 R2 S
paripAhi mAm nrharE murArE!
sarasija bhavanuta! sAdhu lOka bhayApaha!
caranam 1
sharaNAgatAdi haraNa dEvadEvasha sutamanyu nata caraNa!
vara tApasa hrdayavArijAtagaLa hamsa
caranam 2
tanuja nikara damana dhanyakayA dhUtanaya sankaTa shamana!
janita bhuvana bhIti kanaka kashipuka kAla!
caranam 3
shamala shalabha dIpa bhakta vIkSaNa shamita nistula kOpa!
kamala daLa nayana kamalanAbha satatam
Oh, Narasimha! Murari! Protect me.
You are worshiped by Brahma and you dispelled the fear of virtuous.
Oh Lord of Lords! You removed the mental anguish of those who surrender unto you. Your feet are prostrated by Indra. Like the beautiful swan that swims in the lotus-pond, you stay in the lotus heart of great ascetics.
Destroyer of the demons; One who absolved the miseries of the Kayadhu's son Prahlada the blessed one. The vanquisher of Hiranyakasipu who terrorized the world.
You are to sins what fie is to moth; one whose immeasurable anger subsides at the moment that glance falls on the devotee; having eyes like the lotus petal. Oh, Kamalanabha! always protect me.