Sa parama vivasa

Ragam: Ghanta Thalam: Adi

Arohanam:S G2 R2 M1 P N2 S
Avarohanam: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S

sA parama vivasA tava dayita sarasija nayanAdhunA yA pUrvam mudita tvayA sAkam smarakELim

shrI padAkrta bata shrI padmanAbha dEva

ciTTa svara sahitya
sArasa mukha nirupama shubhagAmita madhura tamavacana sAra maruvadana nIraja pada bisinI kalita mAlikA
kamanInisi sadA hi kalayati tava mukhamayi sarasa vidha parama mrdu hasamiha nannu

nIrada sanakAntE

svara sahitya
nIta shESa lOkEsha sunayana
svara sahitya 2

pATita pAtaka tApamagAri vinata shamaya parama
svara sahitya 3

mApa maNimaya taLimagA rajanImanu tAvaka kELi mahaha
kalayati mahanIya suguNa mudananupama gajagama

svara sahitya 4

sA nanu gAmapi na karOtihi budha pAlana rasa kAmasama
vibudha nikara shirasAnata padayuga bhujanga shanaratha bhrtarasa
kamala janutini jasu carita shubha nivaha karaNa caNa paTutama nija janapara

nIradasamakAntE nilalOhita paricAraka ghaNTAkarNa sadgati pradAyaka


Your friend, the louts-eyed one is very forlorn.  Now she desires to play amorous sport with you.
But, you are attracted towards the feet of Srilakshmi.  Alas!  Oh, Padmanabha!
Lotus faced!  You are the one with boundless, beautiful, and sweet words.  You are wearing a fragrant garland of flowers like Maru, Davana, and lotus.
She is awaiting you, imagining your lovely smile.
You are pretty as lotus.
You have the look which can kindle all sorts of desires in this world.
You are the salvation from miseries and you are worshiped by Garuda.
You are bedecked with stringed pearls and gems that shine.  Bouts of laughter come to her when she dreams of having amorous sports which you throughout the night;  you are a man of virtues; cant you fulfill her desires?  Oh, the matchless one!  One who walks with the gait of an elephant.
You are not responding though she is pleading.  You protect the wise; you are equal to cupid and your feet are worshiped by celestials;  you use Gruda as your vehicle;  you have the history of Brahma worshiping you.  You are adept at bestowing good fortune. 
You enjoy the company of your sincere devotees and you gave salvation to Ghantakarana one of the Sivaganas.