Sumasayaka vidhuramava
Ragam: Karnataka Kapi | Thalam: Tisra Ekam |
Arohanam: S R2 M1 P N2 S
Avarohanam: S N 2 P M1 G2 R2 S
sumasAyaka vidhurAmava mAdhava sudatImatidInAm
ramanImanisadanE tava ratilAlasa hrdayAsamayam bahu bAdhayAsakhi sarasIruhanAbha!
mAninI hA tE tApam
Oh, Kadhava! protect the one afflicted by the Cupid, the Sudati (one with beautiful teeth), who is very much in discomfort.
One who is sleeping in a marvelous bed and cherishing the amorous sport that she played with you in her heart and those moments are killing her! Oh, Sarasiruhanabha!
Alas! The pitiable Manini (lady)!