Visveswara darshan

Ragam: Sindubhairavi/Dhanashree Thalam: Roopakam

20 naTabhairavi janya (Dhanashree)
Aa: N2 S G2 M1 P N2 S
Av: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S


10 naaTakapriya janya (Sindubiravai)
Arohanam: S R2 G2 M1 G2 P D1 N2 S
Avarohanam: N2 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S N2 S

pallavi - sthayi
vishvEshvar darsan kar cal man tum kAsI

antara 1
vishvEshvara darsan jab kInhO bahu prEma sahit
kAtE karuNa nidhAn janan maraNa phAsI

antara 2
bahtI jinkI purI mO gangA pay kE samAn vA kE taT ghAt ghAt bhar rahE sanyAsI

antara 3
bhasma ang bhuj trishUl ur mE lasE nAg mAl girijA ardhang dharE tribhuvan jin dAsI

antara 4
padmanAbh kamalanayan trinayan shambhu mahEsh bhaj lE in dO svarUp rahiyE avinAshI


Oh mind!  Do undertake a pilgrimage to Kasi to have the vision of lord Visveswara.
If you pray to him with love, he the compassionate one, will surely cut asunder the cycle of birth and death for you.
The river Ganga flows through the city like pure milk.  On the banks of the river, a host of sages reside.
The lord smears his form with holy ash, holds a trident in his hands.  A serpent adorns his neck.  He shares his form with Girija the daughter of mountains.  All the people of the three worlds are at his feet.
Oh mind! Do worship the lotus-eyed Lord Padmanabha and the three-eyed Maheswara and be immortal.