Abadh sukhdayi

Ragam: Kapi Thalam: Adi

Arohanam:S R2 G2 M1 P D2 N2 S
Avarohanam: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R2 S

Abadh sukhdAyi ab bAjE badhAi

caranam 1
ratna simhAsan kE pAr raghupati sItA sahit suhAyO
rAm bharat sumitrAnandan ThADE camar catur DulAyO

caranam 2
gAv gAv jan mangal gAvat dEvan bajAyO
rAm rAvaN mArE asur sab mArE rAjA vibhISaN pAyO

caranam 3
mAtA kausalyA karat AratiI nij man vAncit pAyO
rAm padmanAbh prabhu phaNi par shAyi tribhuvan sukh kari AyO


Proclaiming the auspicious tidings, the drums are beaten loudly at Ayodhya.

Lord Rama is seated on the gem-studded throne in the company of Goddess Sita, Bharata and Lakshmana are standing closely and fanning the couple with a fly whisk.

People of every village are singing auspicious songs.  The celestials are playing the instruments. Lord Rama vanquished not only Ravana but also all the demons and gave back the kingdom of Lanka to Vibhishana.

Mother Kausalya took Arati of the lord (to cast off evil eyes).  Only on this day that mother's wish has been fulfilled. Lord Padmanabha, who reclines on the serpent, bestows happiness to the three worlds