Bhayili piya candni rat

Ragam: Sorath
Thalam: Adi/Trital

Arohanam:    S R2 M1 P N S
Avarohanam: S N2 D 2P M1R2 G3 R2 S

bhayilI piyA cAndani rAt ab rahiyE mOrE sAth

caranam 1
bijri sE pIt DulAu bhuj mE bhujAhim milAun sab phUl hAr banAu man bhar bhar bhUsaN pAUn

caranam 2
tan mO abIr lagAun angiyA kE kOrkhulAUn din kE viyOg bhujAUn tOsE cunAri hamAri rangAUn

caranam 3
jaisE trukhA sEv papiyA pAvE sadA dukh saiyAn aisO taun mOrE bhayiyA tum DarO piyA galabaiyA

caranam 4
kaun khabar mO levaiyA hOvE nahin sukh dayiyA sAdhu
ke hiya mO rahaiyA padmanAbh prabhu mO balaiyA


Oh my, darling! The moon-lit night creates the right atmosphere for love. Do spend the night in my company.
In the radiant light of the lightning, let us sway shoulder to shoulder; making a garland of all flowers I shall adorn you to my heart's content.
I shall anoint your form with ABIR-fragrant color powder, and open myself to you.  The separation during the day will be compensated.  I shall adapt myself to suit you.
I was indulging with the worldly matters which were the cause for my unhappiness and I have realized that I am part of you, the supreme, and want to be united with you.
No one will care for me and offer comfort but you Lord Padmanabha who dwells in the hearts of virtuous ascetics.  Come to me and take care of me.